Kelly Davis & Global People & Culture Team Initiates DEI “Firsts” at Sunwing Travel Group

Kelly Davis is the Chief People Officer for Sunwing Travel Group. Sunwing Travel Group’s leadership team and the People & Culture team she leads has worked together to develop “firsts” in workplace inclusiveness. Led by the Airline Executive Team, Sunwing was the first airline in the world (as far as they are aware) to introduce a gender-neutral pilot dress code and one of the first Canadian airlines to introduce Gender X for passenger check-in. Their Blue Diamond Hotel division was the first All Inclusive Hotel Company to do in-depth gender-based violence training and awareness across Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Cuba, and the West Indies. Kelly’s team partnered with Kike Ojo-Thompson and The Kojo Institute around anti-black racism education in 2022 and they recently launched a strategic partnership for ongoing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging work with The Rainbow Disruption founded by Jarvis Sam.

To drive DEIB progress, Kelly’s Global People & Culture team hosts monthly Brave Space Conversation Series around various DEIB topics and initiatives, attended by employees from across 15 countries. The People & Culture team for the hotel group has led the development of partnerships with local governments to hire survivors of domestic violence into “back of house” roles. The leadership team at Sunwing Travel Group also leads fundraising initiatives to support humanitarian crises in countries of operation. She works closely with the Global DEIB Committee to ensure members are involved in all critical strategic decisions around DEIB initiatives.

  • Favorite Quote: I will no longer accept the things I cannot change but will rather start to change the things I can no longer accept.– Angela Davis

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