2024 Top 10 Chief Human Resources Officers and Chief People Officers

Vanesa Cotlar Builds Lifelong Learning Culture at PolicyMe

Vanesa Cotlar is the Vice President of People & Culture at PolicyMe. She has built a culture of lifelong learning and growth mindset among employees by developing mechanisms for collecting feedback at all organizational levels. Using the feedback, Vanesa implemented comprehensive manager and leadership training programs and robust career pathing frameworks for all organizational roles. Vanesa uses employee performance review cycles as opportunities to discuss their aspirations and develop a Personal Learning and Career Plan in collaboration with their managers. She extends the culture of lifelong learning to communities by organizing various social connection events.

To foster an inclusive environment, Vanesa pioneered a choice-first environment where employees can decide where they work from to achieve a better work-life integration and balance. She nurtures connections among employees through a combination of in-person gatherings and virtual social opportunities. Vanesa regularly participates on panels and speaks at conferences within Canada and internationally to promote diversity and women in tech. She ensures compensation practices are unbiased and promotes transparent and clear communication to build trust.

Favorite Quote: Diversity is looking at our differences as unique strengths that we each bring to the table. It is an opportunity to learn and incorporate different perspectives into how we work and live. If everyone were the same, the world would be a very boring place. – Vanesa Cotlar

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