
Steph Barlow Ascends to Chief People Officer at Iversoft, Spearheading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Iversoft, a prominent software development and digital agency, is delighted to announce the elevation of Steph Barlow to the position of Chief People Officer. In this pivotal role, Barlow will continue to shape Iversoft's HR and talent strategies, placing a strong emphasis on advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion. Her visionary leadership extends beyond conventional HR practices, encompassing innovative initiatives such as the implementation of a four-day workweek.

Upon joining Iversoft in 2016, Steph Barlow embarked on a transformative journey to reshape the company's culture and workforce. Acknowledging the imperative for greater diversity and inclusion, she set out to cultivate an environment that is not only inclusive and supportive but also marked by equity. Since then, Barlow has been a relentless advocate for investments in the well-being of employees, improved compensation, mentorship programs, and ethical decision-making, even in the face of challenges.

Under her guidance, Iversoft has forged strategic partnerships with organizations dedicated to supporting underrepresented candidates, including Women IT Teleworkers, Hire Immigrants Ottawa (HIO), World-skills, Employment Accessibility Resource Network (EARN), Jobs Ability Canada, and local community organizations like On-trac. These strategic alliances prioritize referrals and applicants from groups that champion immigrants and skilled workers. Iversoft is committed to collecting applicant source data and has set a target of 30 candidates per month from each of these organizations, marking substantial progress in diversifying its workforce.

As part of their comprehensive diversity initiative, Iversoft has eliminated gender-specific language from job descriptions, introduced blind knowledge testing during the hiring process, and made recruitment a collaborative endeavor to ensure impartial decision-making. Additionally, they have removed education requirements from job descriptions to welcome individuals with self-taught expertise, bootcamp graduates, and those who faced barriers to higher education due to financial constraints or family commitments.

Despite the fiercely competitive tech hiring landscape and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Barlow has remarkably grown Iversoft from a team of 8 to over 50 staff members during her tenure. Her unwavering advocacy for investments in employee well-being and mental health has been instrumental in supporting Iversoft's staff through various resources and initiatives. Barlow has openly shared her own experiences, fostering candid and constructive discussions about mental health, both within and beyond Iversoft.

One of Barlow's pioneering initiatives is the introduction of a four-day workweek, a demonstration of Iversoft's commitment to the well-being and work-life balance of its employees. This progressive approach stands as a testament to Barlow's innovative leadership and dedication to cultivating a positive workplace culture.

Vicki Iverson, CTO, and Co-founder of Iversoft, expressed, "Steph Barlow's promotion to Chief People Officer is a testament to her exceptional leadership and dedication to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and supportive workplace."

Steph Barlow's appointment as Chief People Officer underscores Iversoft's unswerving dedication to creating an inclusive, diverse, and supportive work environment while pioneering forward-thinking workplace policies.

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